We gather together and invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship in our sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. Once inside you will be greeted warmly with a bulletin outlining the service of worship. Our worship is traditional and upbeat! This service follows the biblical model of Praise, Word, and Response. It begins by offering praise to God usually through an organ prelude, then as a congregation, through both call and response and in unison. The morning’s hymns will either be listed by their number in our hymnal (Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs), or as an insert in the order of worship. Our choirs and soloists offer us their gifts each week as well.
Children are always welcome, and are invited to come to the chancel steps for a Moment with Children. We know that every church does things a little differently, so we seek to provide a bulletin including our order of worship with as much helpful information as possible so that you feel our extravagant welcome. There is an extended time of prayer following the sermon. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on a monthly basis.
